
Kicks-start helpers for cross-browser libraries and different versions of nodejs

Libcore API Guide

Table of Contents


Libcore can be installed from NPM by running the lines below in your working directory containing package.json file for use in NodeJS, browserify or webpack.

npm install libcore


var libcore = require("libcore");

libcore.encode64('Good Game!'); // R29vZCBHYW1lIQ==

// using es6 import
import { encode64 } from "libcore";

encode64('Good Game!'); // R29vZCBHYW1lIQ==



Encodes String [subject] into base 64 encoded string.

Param Type Details
subject String The string to be encoded.


String Base64 encoded string.

encode64('MZ  ÿÿ @ €'); // TVogAyAEw7/DvyBAIOKCrA==


Decodes a base 64 encoded String [subject] into ASCII 256 bit string.

Param Type Details
subject String The string to be decoded.


String ASCII 256 bit string.

decode64('TVogAyAEw7/DvyBAIOKCrA=='); // MZ  ÿÿ @ €


Encodes UTF-16 characters [subject] to ASCII safe string.

Param Type Details
subject String The string to be encoded.


String ASCII safe characters.

utf2bin('MZ  ÿÿ @ €'); // MZ  ÿÿ @ €


Encodes ASCII in UTF-8 String [subject] to UTF-16 characters.

Param Type Details
subject String The string to be encoded.


String ASCII safe characters.

bin2utf('MZ  ÿÿ @ €'); // MZ  ÿÿ @ €


Converts String [subject] to Camel cased String.

Param Type Details
subject String The string to be converted.


String Camel cased String where non-alphabet characters are removed and change next alphabet character to upper-case.

camelize('ads-b-ds'); // adsBDs
camelize('ads-)(*b_%+-ds')) // 'adsBDs'


Converts String [subject] to Snaked cased “-“ delimited String.

Param Type Details
subject String The string to be encoded.


String Snake cased “-“ delimited String and next upper-cased alphabet character is onverted to lower-case.

uncamelize('adsBDs'); // ads-b-ds
uncamelize('testMethod'); // test-method


unionList(array1, array2, clone);

Populates [array1] or Creates a union of Array [array1] and [array2].

Param Type Details
source Array The source array to merge from.
from Array The array to merge to the source.
clone (optional) Boolean Filters array1 parameter with union of array2 if this parameter is false. It returns a new set of array containing union of array1 and array2 otherwise.


Array Union of first two array parameters.

var array1 = ['abc', 'def', 'g', 89, 'g', 'abc'],
    array2 = [9, 2, 89, 0, 'abc', 'g']
    result = unionList(array1, array2);

console.log(result); // ['abc', 'def', 'g', 89, 9, 2, 0]

// array1 is the result as the reference pointer
console.log(result === array1); // true

// 3rd parameter is passed
result = unionList(array1, array2, true);

// result is a new created array
console.log(result === array1); // false

intersectList(array1, array2, clone);

Populates [array1] or Creates an intersection of Array [array1] and [array2].

Param Type Details
source Array The source array to intersect from.
from Array The array to intersect to the source.
clone (optional) Boolean Filters array1 parameter with intersection of array2 if this parameter is false. It returns a new set of array containing intersection of array1 and array2 otherwise.


Array Intersection of first two array parameters.

var array1 = ['abc', 'def', 'g', 89, 'g', 'abc'],
    array2 = [9, 2, 89, 0, 'abc', 'g'],
    result = intersectList(array1, array2);

console.log(result); // ['abc', 'g', 89]

// array1 is the result as the reference pointer
console.log(result === array1); // true

// 3rd parameter is passed
result = intersectList(array1, array2, true);

// result is a new created array
console.log(result === array1); // false

differenceList(array1, array2, clone);

Populates [array1] or Creates a difference of Array [array1] and [array2].

Param Type Details
source Array The source array to differ from.
from Array The array to be applied as difference of the source.
clone (optional) Boolean Filters array1 parameter with difference of array2 if this parameter is false. It returns a new set of array containing difference of array1 and array2 otherwise.


Array Difference of first two array parameters.

var array1 = ['abc', 'def', 'g', 89, 'g', 'abc'],
    array2 = [9, 2, 89, 0, 'abc', 'g'],
    result = differenceList(array1, array2);

console.log(result); // ['def']

// array1 is the result as the reference pointer
console.log(result === array1); // true

// 3rd parameter is passed
result = differenceList(array1, array2, true);

// result is a new created array
console.log(result === array1); // false


each(subject, handler, scope, hasown);

Iterates all iteratable property of an object calling “handler” parameter on each iteration.

Param Type Details
subject Object The object source.
handler Function The callback of each iteration of “subject” object’s property.
scope {*} “this” object to use inside the “handler” parameter
hasown (optional) Boolean performs checking to only include source object property that is overridden (Object.protototype.hasOwnProperty() returns true) when this parameter is set to true.

The hasown callback should contain the following arguments:

Param Type Details
property Mixed The property value of the iterated subject object.
name String The property name of the iterated subject object.
subject Object The subject argument when calling each(subject,...) method.

Returning boolean false inside hasown callback stops the property iteratation loop.


Object The subject parameter.

var myObject = {
        name: 'diko',
        id: 24,
        age: 27,

function onIterateProperty(property, propertyName, subject) {
    console.log(`${property} = ${propertyName}`);

each(myObject, onIterateProperty);

// Should output:
// name = diko
// id = 24
// age = 27

assign(target, source, defaults, ownedOnly);

Apply properties of source object to target object.

Param Type Details
target Object The target object.
source Object The source object containing properties to be assigned to target object.
defaults (optional) Object Object containing default properties which will be assigned first to target before source.
ownedOnly (optional) Boolean Only assign properties owned by “source”.


Object Object from first parameter.

// # Sample 1
var target = {},
    source = {
        prop: "A",
        value: 100

assign(target, source);


// target should contain the following properties:
//  prop = "A"
//  value = 100

// # Sample 2
var defaults = {
        extra: "default"

target = {};

assign(target, source, defaults); // 3rd parameter


// target should contain the following properties:
//  prop = "A"
//  value = 100
//  extra = "default"

rehash(target, source, access);

Remaps properties of an source object into new property of target object based from mappings of property names defined in access argument.

Param Type Details
target Object The target object.
source Object The source object containing properties to be relocated.
access Object The rename map object containing “renamed property” as map object’s property name, and “source property name” as map object’s property value. (e.g. { “newname”: “from source” }).


Object Object from first parameter.

var target = {},
    source = {
        pseudoName: 'file',
        pseudoId: 'a1'

        // schema: 
        //  "new name": "source property name"
        "name": "pseudoName",
        "id": "pseudoId"

// Result:
//  {
//      name: 'file',
//      id: 'a1'
//  }

contains(subject, property);

Inspects property if it exists and enumerable in an object. It uses Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() under the hood as part of its checking.

Param Type Details
subject Object The source object.
property String Property Name to inspect.


Boolean True if subject Object contains property and dirty. False if subject Object’s property do not exist or not dirty.

var person = { name: "Jane", age: 25 };

contains(person, "name"); // true
contains(person, "age"); // true

clone(data, deep);

Clones Native Javascript objects.

Param Type Details
data {*} Data - scalar, array, object, regex or date object to clone.
deep (optional) Boolean Apply deep clone to object properties or array items.


{*} Cloned object based from data.

var person = { name: "Jane", age: 25 },
    dupe = clone(person);

console.log(dupe) // { name: "Jane", age: 25 }

compare(object1, object2);

Deep compares two Native or non-Native Javascript objects.

Param Type Details
object1 {*} The object to compare.
object2 {*} The object to compare.


Boolean True if scalar, regex, date, object properties, or array items of object1 is identical to object2.

var object1 = { name: "Jane", age: 25 },
    object2 = { name: "Jane", age: 25 },
    object3 = { name: "John", age: 25 };

compare(object1, object2); // true
compare(object1, object3); // false
compare(object2, object3); // false

fillin(object1, object1);

Apply properties of [source] object to [target] object only if property in [target] do not exist or not an updated property.

Param Type Details
target Object The target object.
source Object The source object containing properties to be assigned to target object.
hasOwn Boolean Performs checking to only include source object property that is overridden (Object.protototype.hasOwnProperty() returns true) when this parameter is set to true.


Boolean Subject parameter.

function Empty() {


var subject = { name: "A100", class: "upper" },
    compare = clone(subject),
    newFiller = new Empty(),
    result = fillin(subject, newFiller, false);

compare(result, compare); // true



Inspects if Mixed [subject] is String.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.
allowEmpty Boolean Trigger to allow empty string or not.


Boolean True, if subject is a string type, false otherwise.

string("test"); // true
string(new String("test")); // true
string(""); // false
string(null); // false

string("", true); // true


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is Number.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is a number type and not a NaN, false otherwise.

number(101); // true
number(0xff); // true
number(null); // false


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is Array.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is an array type, false otherwise.

array([]); // true
array(['withitem']); // true


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is Native Javascript Object.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is an object type, false otherwise.

object({}); // true
object(null); // false


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is RegExp.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is an regex type, false otherwise.

regex(/test/); // true
regex(new RegExp('abc')); // true
regex(1); // false
regex({}); // false


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is Function.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is a function type, false otherwise.

method(function() {}); // true
method(1);  // false


Retrieves normalized object information.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


String The object’s signature, eg. “[object String], [object Number]” etc.

signature("test"); // '[object String]';
signature(1); // '[object Number]'
signature(true); // '[object Boolean]';
signature(new Date()); // '[object Date]'
signature(/test/); // '[object RegExp]'
signature(function () {}); // '[object Function]'
signature({}); // '[object Object]'


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is Scalar (String, finite Number, Boolean).

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is a scalar type, false otherwise.

scalar(101); // true
scalar("not empty"); // true
scalar(true); // true
scalar(null); // false
scalar(new Date()); // false
scalar(undefined); // false
scalar(/test/); // false


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is Date.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is a date type, false otherwise.

date(new Date()); // true
date(1); // false
date({}); // false`


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is raw Native Javascript Object.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is a raw native Javascript object, false otherwise.

var sample;

function Empty() {

Empty.prototype = { 'constructor': Empty };
sample = new Empty();

nativeObject(null); // false
nativeObject(/test/); // false
nativeObject(sample); // false
nativeObject(Empty); // false
nativeObject({}); // true

type(subject, type);

Inspects if Mixed [subject] is an instance of simplified [type] signature.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.
type String The name of the type.


Boolean True, if subject is verified using the 2nd parameter, false otherwise.

type("test", "string"); // true
type(/test/, "string"); // false
type(0xff, "number"); // true
type(true, "boolean"); // true
type(new Date(), "date"); // true
type([], "date"); // false
type({}, "date")); // false


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is thenable (Promise) object or object.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True if subject is a Promise object or object with then() method, false otherwise.

var resolver = (resolve) => resolve(true);

thenable(new Promise(resolver)); // true

var phony = function () {};
phony.then = () => 1;

thenable(phony); // true

thenable(1); // false
thenable(null); // false
thenable(false); // false


Inspects if Mixed [subject] is iterable object.

Param Type Details
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True, if subject is not scalar or has “length” number property, false otherwise.

iterable('my string'); // true
iterable([]); // true

var phony = { length: 0 };
iterable(phony); // true

iterable(1); // false
iterable(null); // false
iterable(false); // false



Assign [value] Object properties or Array items into the registry.

Param Type Details
value Object or Array The value to be assigned.


Object The registry object.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = { "id": 100 };

// assigns object1


Inspects the registry storage if String or Number [name] exists.

Param Type Details
name String The name of the registry.


Boolean True if indexed String or Number [name] exists in registry.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = { "id": 100, "100": "^10" };

// assigns object1

registry.exists("id"); // true
registry.exists("name"); // false
registry.exists(100); // true


Retrieves registry value based from String json path [path].

Param Type Details
path String The name of the registry.


{*} The value that has been found.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"

// assigns object1

registry.find("name"); // 'Jane'
registry.find("[0]"); // 101


Retrieves registry value based from [name] index.

Param Type Details
path String The name of the registry.


{*} The registry value.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"

// assigns object1

registry.get("name"); // 'Jane'
registry.get("0"); // object1[0]

Registry.prototype.insert(path, value);

Inserts registry [value] into String json path [path] relative to registry storage.

Param Type Details
path String The path to the registry storage.
value {*} The value to be inserted.


Object The registry object.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"
    value = "Common";

// assigns object1

registry.insert("[0]", value);
registry.find("[0]"); // "Common"


Inspects if String json [path] exists in registry.

Param Type Details
path String The path to be checked.


Boolean True, if the path exists, false otherwise.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"
    value = "Common";

// assigns object1

registry.pathExists("[0]"); // true
registry.pathExists("name"); // true
registry.pathExists("0"); // true

registry.pathExists("[10]"); // false
registry.pathExists("2[90].label"); // false


Removes registry value with the given String json path [path] relative to registry storage.

Param Type Details
path String The path to the registry storage.


Object The registry object.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"
    value = "Common";

// assigns object1

registry.pathExists("name"); // true
registry.pathExists("0"); // true


registry.pathExists("name"); // false
registry.pathExists("0"); // false

Registry.prototype.set(name, value);

Sets registry [value] indexed with [name].

Param Type Details
name String, Number, Object or Array The name to set.
value {*} The value to set.


Object The registry object.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"
    value = "Common";

// assigns object1

registry.set("3", "another");
registry.get("3"); // 'another'

registry.set("5", "another one");
registry.get("5"); // 'another one'


Removes registry [value] indexed with [name].

Param Type Details
name String, Number, Object or Array The name to unset.


Object The registry object.

import { createRegistry } from "libcore";

// instantiate registry
var registry = createRegistry(),
    object1 = {
        name: "Jane",
        "0": [{
            "id": 101,
            "value": 19,
            "label": "nineteen"
    value = "Common";

// assigns object1

registry.set("3", "another");
registry.get("3"); // 'another'

registry.get("3"); // undefined


jsonClone(path, object, deep);

Clone value extracted from [object] with given [path].

Param Type Details
path String The string path to clone from.
data {*} Data - scalar, array, object, regex or date object to clone.
deep (optional) Boolean Apply deep clone to object properties or array items.


{*} Cloned object based from data.

var subject = {
        "grid": {
            "paging": {
                "limit": 20,
                "offset": 0

jsonClone('grid.paging', subject); // returns a clone as grid.paging object

jsonCompare(path, object1, object2);

Compares value with [object2] where value is extracted from [object1] using [path] parameter.

Param Type Details
path String The string path to compare from.
object1 {*} The object to compare.
object2 {*} The object to compare.


Boolean True if scalar, regex, date, object properties, or array items of object1 is identical to object2.

var subject = {
        "grid": {
            "paging": {
                "limit": 20,
                "offset": 0

            0); // true

            20); // false

jsonExists(path, subject);

Inspects a given Mixed [subject] if JSON [path] exists.

Param Type Details
path String The string path to check.
subject {*} The subject to check.


Boolean True if JSON path exists in subject, false otherwise.

var subject = {
        "grid": {
            "paging": {
                "limit": 20,
                "offset": 0

jsonExists("grid['paging']", subject); // true
jsonExists("grid['paging'].offset", subject); // true

jsonExists("table", subject); // false
jsonExists("0[1].name", subject); // false

jsonFill(path, subject, value);

Fill [subject] Object with property or array item with [value] accessed from [path].

Param Type Details
path String The string path.
subject Object The subject to fill.
value {*} The value to be filled.


Boolean True.

var subject = {};

                          0); // true

// subject.grid.paging.offset is 0

jsonFind(path, object);

Retrieves Mixed value from a given JSON path.

Param Type Details
path String The string path.
object {*} The subject to find from.


{*} The value that has been found, “undefined” otherwise.

var subject = {
        "grid": {
            "paging": {
                "limit": 20,
                "offset": 0

jsonFind("table", subject); // undefined
jsonFind("grid['paging'].offset", subject); // 0
jsonFind("grid['paging'].limit", subject); // 20


Extract property names from a JSON path.

Param Type Details
path String The string path.


Array The extracted property names.

var subject = 'grid.paging.offset';

jsonParsePath(subject); // ['grid', 'paging', 'offset']

jsonParsePath('[0]'); // ['0']

subject = 'grid["rows"].0.label.length';
jsonParsePath(subject); // ['grid','rows','0','label','length']

jsonSet(path, subject, value, overwrite);

Set or Apply [value] into object extracted from [path].

Param Type Details
path String The string path.
subject {*} Native non-scalar object.
value {*} The value to be set.
overwrite Boolean Trigger to apply overwrite.


Boolean True if value is set or applied, otherwise false.

var subject = {
        "grid": {
            "paging": {
                "limit": 20,
                "offset": 0
    path = 'grid.paging.limit',
    value = 10;

jsonSet(path, subject, value); // true

path = 'grid.paging.limit.test';
value = 10;

jsonSet(path, subject, value); // false

jsonUnset(path, subject);

Removes property of non-Scalar Native Object.

Param Type Details
path String The string path.
subject {*} The subject to unset.


Boolean True if property is found and removed, false otherwise.

var subject = {
        "grid": {
            "paging": {
                "limit": 20,
                "offset": 0

jsonUnset('grid.paging', subject); // true
jsonUnset('grid.paging.limit', subject); // false
jsonUnset('grid.paging.offset', subject); // false


A polyfill for browsers which do not use Promise.


Creates a promise from [iterable] values or promises that resolves if all items in [iterable] fulfills or rejects if all items in [iterable] rejects.

Param Type Details
resolver Object The object resolver function.


Object The Promise object.

import { Promise } from "libcore";

var P = Promise,
    good = (resolve) => {

(new P(good)).

 setTimeout(() => {
    // called with "good"

    // not called
    // resolver.badResult

    // done
}, 10);


Creates a promise from [iterable] values or promises that resolves if all items in [iterable] fulfills or rejects if all items in [iterable] rejects.

Param Type Details
iterable {*} Iterable object or Objects with “length” number of items.


Object The Promise object.

import { Promise } from "libcore";

var p = Promise,
    callback = {
            isRejected: false,
            result: null,

            fulfilled: (value) => {
                callback.result = value;
                return value;

            rejected: (error) => {
                callback.isRejected = true;
                callback.result = error;
                return error;

P.all([1, 'test', P.resolve("100")]).

 setTimeout(() => {    

    console.log(callback.isRejected); // false
    console.log(callback.result); //[1, 'test', "100"]

    // done

 }, 1000);


Creates a promise from [iterable] values or promises then resolves or rejects if one of the item in [iterable] is settled.

Param Type Details
iterable {*} Iterable object or Objects with “length” number of items.


Object The Promise object.

import { Promise } from "libcore";

var p = Promise,
    callback = {
            isRejected: false,
            result: null,

            fulfilled: (value) => {
                callback.result = value;
                return value;

            rejected: (error) => {
                callback.isRejected = true;
                callback.result = error;
                return error;

P.race([1, 'test', P.resolve("100")]).

setTimeout(() => {    

    console.log(callback.isRejected); // false
    console.log(callback.result); // 1

    // done

}, 1000);



Runs an asynchronous Function [handler].

Param Type Details
handler Function The callback function.


{*} Mixed type value.

import { setAsync } from "libcore";

var value = 1;

setAsync(function() {

    console.log(value); // 2
    console.log(++value); // 3    

    // done

console.log(++value); // 2


Clears an asynchronous Function call from setAsync(handler:Function) call.

Param Type Details
id Function Valid asynchronous Function call [id].


Object The module object.

import { setAsync, clearAsync } from "libcore";

var value = 1,
    id = null,
    calling = {
        fn: () => {

id = setAsync(calling.fn);

// calling.fn is removed from asynchronous call queue

register(name, handler);

Registers a middleware callback.

Param Type Details
name String The name of the middeware callback.
handler Function The callback function.


Object The module object.

import { register, run } from "libcore";

function before(obj) {

var sampleParam = { count: 1 },
    beforeRunName = 'before:exampleCall';

register(beforeRunName, before);

run(beforeRunName, [sampleParam]);

console.log(sampleParam.count); // 2

run(name, args, scope);

Runs a registered middleware callback.

Param Type Details
name String The name of the middeware callback.
args {*} The iterable arguments.
scope {*} The specified scope.


{*} Mixed type value.

import { register, run } from "libcore";

function normal(obj) {
    obj.count += 100;

var sampleParam = { count: 100 },
    runName = 'exampleCall';

register(runName, normal);

run(runName, [sampleParam]);

console.log(sampleParam.count); // 200

clearRunner(name, after);

Removes “before:” or “after:” registered middleware callbacks.

Param Type Details
name String The name of the middeware callback.
args {*} The iterable arguments.


Object The module object.

import { register, run, clearRunner } from "libcore";

function before(obj) {
    obj.count += 100;

function after(obj) {
    obj.count += 200;

var sampleOne = { count: 100 },
    sampleTwo = { count: 1000 },
    beforeRunName = 'before:exampleCall',
    afterRunName = 'after:exampleCall';

register(beforeRunName, before);
clearRunner(beforeRunName); // cleared
run(beforeRunName, [sampleOne]); // nothing to run

console.log(sampleOne.count); // 100

register(afterRunName, after);
run(afterRunName, [sampleTwo]);

console.log(sampleTwo.count); // 1200


Creates a Namespaced Middleware instance that can register() and run().

Param Type Details
name String The name of the middeware instance.


Object The middleware object instance.

import { middleware } from "libcore";

function normal(obj) {
    obj.count += 100;

var sample = { count: 100 },
    runName = 'exampleCall',
    myMiddleWare = middleware('test');

myMiddleWare.register(runName, normal);, [sample]);

console.log(sample.count); // 200